Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A gift from a stranger

Bird of Paradise - that's what this exotic flower is called.

I didn't know this till a got a call from a stranger some 10 years back on valentine day's eve. Just having moved to Bangalore, I was helping ma-in-law manage her gifting business since the orders seem to be pouring in that day.

So this stranger asked me if i knew what a bird of paradise was. My response - sir we deliver only flowers, not pets (!!). He patiently explained that he as indeed asking for a flower. I said I could check with my florist (and discovered that he was right after all!)

Anyway, the order i finally got from this gentleman - two birds of paradise - one big for his wife and one small one for his 2 year old daughter. (Well, we didn't get two flowers of different sizes so we just ended up trimming the stalk for the little one)

Since then, every time i see this flower - it reminds me about this stranger - a loving husband, a thoughtful father - and that brings a smile to me! It's amazing how random strangers can touch our lives without ever knowing it.....


Anonymous said...

Wow that is really cool. Thanks for sharing! It was creative of you guys to fulfill the order by trimming the stalk..nice to see someone finding a deeper meaning for valentine day..in nurturing existing relationships.


Anonymous said...

Nice blog.

Anonymous said...


I checked into Taj last night. There was a nice looking flower on the table. Usually I would have ignored it. I looked at it turned my face and there was flash in my mind. Wasn't this the same Vijji put up in her blog? I couldn't help taking it's picture. I retunred to the hotel after day's work today and looked at the table. The gift from the stranger is gone. In place.. nice looking white crisentimums. Thanks for creating this awareness!