Saturday, December 5, 2009

Life's little lesson

Nia these days, is very upset about the fact that we insist that she eat all her meals by herself. She does not like the fact that she has to go to school everyday. She definitely hates the skating classes we have enrolled her into. Plus the fact that her free movement classes have ended. She finds it difficult to understand why her best friends do not live next door and that she gets to meet them only on weekends. And why her Oni ma and Maamu live in a different country with their families and not on the same street as her! Then there are the TV fights everyday. And serious negotiations around chocolate quota that most often do not end in her favour.

With all this happening, i find the soon-to-be-5 child lying on her bed in deep thought and ask her what she is thinking of. And she looks at me, still a bit pensive and says, 'vijji, i love my life!'
